Jarl's Town

Your Town is the bastion of your dominion in the North. You can construct and upgrade buildings there, train warriors, learn Knowledge, communicate with Jarls, craft Hero's and Shaman's equipment, and much more.

Boosts: general information

Boosts are special items that temporarily improve certain characteristics. You can find all the necessary information about them in the Boosts window. For example, there you can find out which bonuses are currently active and how long they will remain in effect.

There are five tabs in the Boosts window: Military, Resources, Development, Hero/Shaman, and Favorites. To get quick access to boosts, Aesir, and Artifacts, add them to your Favorites by hitting the star symbol.

Some boosts from your Favorites can be applied in bulk.

Tasks: general information

Tasks are short missions. By completing them, you receive resources, materials, Hero's and Shaman's experience, gems, Manuscripts, Bronze, Prowess and Loyalty Points, and more.

Quests: general information

Quests are special tasks that you complete to receive rewards.

There are four tabs in the Quests window: Standard, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.

The Standard tab includes Quests for construction and building upgrades, warrior training, and Knowledge learning.

The Daily, Weekly, and Monthly tabs display additional Quest lists that refresh every 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days, respectively.

There are also special Quests in the novice's marathon. They are available at the beginning of the game for seven days after you complete the tutorial. You receive a reward for every Quest you complete. Once you've completed certain milestone numbers of these Quests, you will variously receive a piece of Hero's equipment, a Hero's Skin, and a Town Skin.

VIP status: general information

Jarls who have VIP status receive additional bonuses. The special icon on the Town screen displays whether VIP status is active and the time remaining until it expires.

Influence: general information

Influence is a universal stat that is used to compare the achievements of all Jarls. The ranking of conquerors of the North is based on Influence.

Resources panel: general information

To rule successfully, you will need resources: Food, Lumber, Iron, Stone, and Silver. The amount of these resources in the Town is displayed on the resources panel.

Chest of Loki: general information

Cunning Loki is the father of invention and likes to interfere in mortal affairs. Another creation of this god is the Chest of Loki. Open it and receive random rewards: resources, warriors, items, and more.

The Chest of Loki has a timer that specifies the time period after which you will be able to claim the reward. If there's no timer, open the Chest.

Clan: general information

The North is a harsh place, and even mighty Jarls will find it difficult to reach the pinnacle of glory on their own. By joining a Clan, you will gain reliable clanmates and make the task easier. Get quick access to the Clan window by hitting the corresponding button on the Town screen.

Chats: general information

You can communicate with other Vikings in several chats:

  • Common Chat is available for all Jarls from the same Kingdom. During the Clans Battle, this chat is available to everyone who is located in this Kingdom.
  • Clan Chat is for communication between clanmates. It appears when you join a Clan.
  • Alliance Chat allows Jarls from the same Alliance to communicate, wherever they are.
  • Jotunheim Chat is for Vikings who have gone to the kingdom of eternal ice.
  • Asgard Chat is for those who have relocated to Asgard.

During the Kingdoms Battle and the Kingdoms Battle: Fury Competitions, the following chats appear:

  • Homeland Chat is for Jarls from your home Kingdom and those who relocated to it during the Competition.
  • Foreign Land Chat appears when you relocate to an enemy Kingdom. Jarls from the enemy Kingdom and those who relocated to it during the Competition can communicate in this chat.
  • Chiefs' Chat allows all Clan Chiefs from the same Kingdom to coordinate their actions.

You can use the automatic translator in all chats — it translates messages from other Jarls into the language that you play the game in. To translate a message from another Jarl, select the corresponding icon in the upper right-hand corner of the message.

If you request translations of several messages in a short period of time, a loading symbol will appear instead of the translator icon. The messages will be translated one by one.

In chat, you can share coordinates that other Jarls will be able to use to go to the specified location.

To send the coordinates of a landmark, hit the "+" button in the chat window and choose the required landmark.

To send the coordinates of any location to a chat, type them in your message in the format "X:Y", where X is a number on the X-axis, and Y is a number on the Y-axis. For example, if the location has the coordinates X:386, Y:833, then you would enter "386:833" in order to share them in the chat.

In chats, the in-game system can automatically activate a delayed sending function for messages. If this delay function is on, you will see a block with a timer instead of a field for entering text. The timer shows the time left until you can write to the chat again.

Items: general information

The icon opens the Items window. The first tab in this window is the Item Store, where you can purchase resources, boosts, speed-ups, etc. All items that you've purchased or received are displayed in the My Items tab.

You can buy and apply several items at the same time. To do this, hit and hold the "Purchase," "Apply," or "Buy and apply" buttons.

Bank: general information

In the Bank, you can buy various packs that contain items, resources, equipment, and Gold.

The Bank has four tabs:

  • Your gift. Here you will see all the packages that you can receive for free if you purchase Gold or anything else, depending on the requirements of the relevant package. The gifts from this tab are not awarded automatically — you must claim them manually.
  • Special. This tab contains special Bank offers that are active for a limited period of time.
  • Packages. Here you can find offers that contain various items.
  • Subscriptions. By signing up for a subscription in this tab, you will receive items, resources, and Gold over a certain period of time. There is also a block with a reward here. Head to the Subscriptions tab every day and claim your reward.

Global Map: general information

This icon opens the Global Map, where the Towns of other Jarls, resource locations, and Fortresses, as well as Invaders, Uber Invaders, Ghosts, and Paladin Cohorts are located.

Events: general information

In the Events window, you will learn about current, forthcoming, and finished Competitions, active bonuses, and which Invaders and Ghosts have entered your Kingdom.

Please note:

  • To refresh the information in the Events window, including the list of bonuses that are active in your Kingdom, you need to restart the game.
  • If you don't restart the game from the time the Competition is announced until it ends, the information in the Events window won't refresh, so you won't know about the current Competition and bonuses.
  • Before running any process, for example, construction or troop training, we recommend that you check whether there are any bonuses or Competitions connected with this process in the Events window. This will help you benefit more from the process. To refresh the information, restart the game.

Reward for loyalty: general information

The reward for loyalty is a gift that you receive when you visit the game daily. Its value increases every day. The reward reaches its maximum on the 30th day, but the chain will be broken if you don't claim the reward for the current day.

At the beginning of the game, for the first seven days after you have completed the tutorial, you receive a novice's reward, which then changes to the reward for loyalty. The value of the novice's reward steadily increases — you'll receive the most valuable reward on the last day. If you don't claim the reward on one of the days, the chain of rewards isn't interrupted, but you won't receive the reward for the day you missed.

Lucrative offer: general information

Lucrative offers are packages that are generated on an individual basis for each Jarl and are available for a limited time.

Help: general information

When you join a Clan, you will be able to speed up processes in your clanmates' and allies' Towns. Every time you help, you will earn 2,000 Prowess Points and the same number of Loyalty Points. You can receive a maximum of 200,000 points per day. These can be used to purchase items in the Clan Store.

Rankings: general information

The rankings allow you to compare your stats with those of other Jarls. Here you can also see the list of the most powerful Jarls, Clans, and Kingdoms.

News: general information

In the News of the North window, you will find information about game events: updates, Invaders that are appearing in the Kingdoms, Competitions, etc.

When a new news item has been published, an icon appears on the Town screen. The number displayed on the icon indicates the number of unread news items.

To make the icon disappear, read the news or hit the "Read all" button in the newsfeed.

If you want to view the news archive, go to the Menu and hit the "News" icon.

Hero: general information

The Hero is your loyal warlord. By hitting the button, you will be able to see all the available information about the Hero: Skills and Skin, level and current experience progress, energy, and more.

Shaman: general information

The Shaman fights against Ghosts, helps you develop your Town, and leads marches. Selecting the Shaman icon opens a window containing information about your Shaman's abilities, Skills, level, current experience, Initiation stage, equipment, and power.

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