Jarls ranking

This ranking displays information about the most successful Jarls in the North. Here you can see the number of points you earned over a certain period and compare yourself with other Jarls.

There are five categories in the Jarls ranking:

  • Influence — based on the number of Influence points of every Jarl.
  • Offenses — based on the number of warriors defeated in offense.
  • Defenses — based on the number of warriors defeated in defense.
  • Plunders — based on the ratio of resources plundered by a Jarl to the resources plundered by other Jarls in this Jarl's Town.
  • Performance — based on the number of top places taken and checkpoints passed in personal Competitions.

Read more about these categories in the "Ranking categories" subsection.

When viewing the Offenses, Defenses, and Plunders categories, you can select the following periods:

  • This week
  • Best week (displays the best results of Jarls)

The Performance category also includes an "All time" period. After selecting it, you will see the total number of performance points earned by Jarls for all time. In the Influence category, there are no time intervals.

Up to Palace level 21, you can see only the rankings of Jarls from your Kingdom. From level 21, global rankings become available, which include Jarls from all Kingdoms.

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