

Disguise is a special item that temporarily hides information from other Jarls, such as the equipment worn by the Hero, and details about the Shaman and the summoned Aes.

Disguise items vary by duration: 1 hour, 8 hours, and 24 hours. You can purchase them in the Clan Store for Loyalty Points and as part of Bank offers. You also have a chance to get them by attacking Uber Invaders.

If you apply several items, their durations are added together. So, if you activate the "1-Hour Disguise," and then the "8-Hour Disguise," the bonus will be active for 9 hours.

There are two ways to apply the items:

  1. Opening the Items window, going to the My Items tab, then to the Military section.
  2. Activating them in the Military tab of the Boosts window, Disguise category.

Peace Treaty

Peace Treaty is an item that you can use to protect your Town from enemy invasions.

Peace Treaty items vary by duration: 8 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, and 7 days. They are available in the Item Store for Gold, in the Clan Store for Loyalty Points, and as part of Bank offers. In addition, the Peace Treaty can be obtained as a reward for entering the game daily and for attacking Uber Invaders.

There are two ways to apply the item:

  1. Opening the Items window, going to the My Items tab, then to the Military section.
  2. Activating it in the Military tab of the Boosts window, Peace Shield category.

If you apply several items, their durations are added together. So, if you activate the "Peace Treaty, 8 Hours," and then the "Peace Treaty, 24 Hours," your Town will be protected for 32 hours.

If the Peace Treaty is active in the Town, another Jarl can find out when it expires by using the Guard Payoff item.

You cannot relocate to the Forest of Rocks with an activated Shield, nor can you use this boost if you are already in the Forest of Rocks. You also cannot use a Peace Treaty while the Bloodlust bonus is active.

Infirmary Expander

The Infirmary Expander is an item you can use to increase the capacity of all the Infirmaries in the Town.

For example, if your Infirmaries can hold 10,000 wounded warriors, then when you activate the "1-Hour Infirmary Expander, 100%" boost, the number of spaces for healing will increase to 20,000 for 1 hour.

The "1-Hour Infirmary Expander, 100%" and "30-Minute Infirmary Expander, 200%" items can be purchased as part of Bank offers.

There are two ways to apply the items:

  1. Opening the Items window, going to the My Items tab, then to the Military section.
  2. Activating them in the Military tab of the Boosts window, Infirmary Expander category.
Boosts that affect the same stat but have different bonuses replace each other.

Let's say that first you activated the "1-Hour Infirmary Expander, 100%" boost, and then the "30-Minute Infirmary Expander, 200%" boost. The effect of the first item will stop and the second one will start working. The total increase in the number of spaces for healing will be 200%, and the countdown (30 minutes) will start over.

Will to Live

Will to Live is an item you can use to send some of the warriors killed outside the Town for healing.

For example, let's say that in a battle outside the Town, 10,000 of your warriors are killed. Of these, 3,000 (30%) are destroyed, and the remaining 7,000 (70%) are sent to the Infirmary for resurrection. While the "Will to Live, 20%" boost is active, 1,400 warriors will be healed (20% of 7,000).

The "30-Minute Will to Live, 10%" and "30-Minute Will to Live, 20%" items are available as a part of Bank offers.

There are two ways to apply the items:

  1. Opening the Items window, going to the My Items tab, then to the Military section.
  2. Activating them in the Boosts window, Military tab, Revival of Warriors category.
Boosts that affect the same stat but have different bonuses replace each other.

For example, let's say you applied the "30-Minute Will to Live, 10%" boost first, and then the "30-Minute Will to Live, 20%" boost. The effect of the first item will stop and the second one will start working. This means that the total increase in the number of warriors sent for healing will be 20%, and the countdown (30 minutes) will start over.

Warrior Number in an Onslaught

The Warrior Number in an Onslaught item temporarily increases the maximum number of warriors in an Onslaught organized by you. The boost affects only the number of warriors that can be sent to the attack at a certain level of the War Bloc.

So, if the base number of warriors in an Onslaught is 50,000, activating the "30-Minute Warrior Number in Onslaught, 120%" boost will increase this number to 110,000 warriors for 30 minutes.

The "30-Minute Warrior Number in Onslaught, 120%" and the "15-Minute Warrior Number in Onslaught, 300%" items are available as part of Bank offers.

"Warrior Number in Onslaughts on Towns" boosts only increase the limit for the number of warriors in Onslaughts aimed at Towns. There are four of them, with bonuses of 850%, 1,500%, 2,500%, and 15,000%. They last 20 minutes.

In Vikings, there are two ways to apply the boosts:

  1. Opening the Items window, going to the My Items tab, then to the Military section.
  2. Activating them in the Boosts window, in the "Warrior Number in an Onslaught" or "Warrior Number in Onslaughts on Towns" category of the Military tab.
Boosts that affect the same stat but have different bonuses replace each other.

For example, let's say you applied the "30-Minute Warrior Number in Onslaught, 120%" boost first and then the "15-Minute Warrior Number in Onslaught, 300%." The effect of the first item will stop and the second one will start working. This means that the total increase in the number of warriors in an Onslaught will be 300%, and the countdown (15 minutes) will start over.

The same applies to "Warrior Number in Onslaughts on Towns" boosts. Notably, the bonuses provided by the boosts from the "Warrior Number in an Onslaught" and "Warrior Number in Onslaughts on Towns" categories stack, allowing you to achieve the maximum number of warriors for an Onslaught on a Town.

Troop Enlargement in Onslaught

The Troop Enlargement in Onslaught item temporarily increases the maximum headcount of warriors in a troop that you send on an Onslaught.

For example, if the maximum possible headcount of warriors in a troop you want to send on an Onslaught is 100,000, then it will increase to 450,000 for 10 minutes when you activate the 10-Minute Troop Enlargement in Onslaught, 350% boost.

You can purchase "Troop Enlargement in Onslaught" boosts in the Item Store (in exchange for Gold), in the Clan Store (in exchange for Loyalty Points), and as part of Bank offers. You can also receive these boosts as a reward in some Competitions.

There are two ways to apply the boosts:

  1. Opening the Items window, going to the My Items tab, then to the Military section.
  2. Activating them in the Boosts window, Military tab, Troop Headcount in Onslaught category.
Boosts that affect the same stat but have different bonuses replace each other.

For example, let's say you activated the "10-Minute Troop Enlargement in Onslaught, 150%" boost, and then the "10-Minute Troop Enlargement in Onslaught, 250%" boost. The effect of the first item will stop and the second one will start working. This means that the total addition to the maximum headcount of warriors in a troop will be 250%, and the countdown (10 minutes) will start over.

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